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Sesc São Paulo ready to roll out No Elevators Day in Brazil


No Elevators Day will be held for the first time in Brazil this year, with Sesc São Paulo set to roll out the event in several locations on 25 April 2018. The activities will be carried out at the Sesc units 24 de Maio, Belenzinho, Bom Retiro, Consolação, Pompeia and Vila Mariana.

Partner institutions will include ACM/YMCA, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, ABQV – Brazilian Association for Quality of Life, Atlética Ítalo Brasileiro, FITNESS BRASIL, Instituto Guima Conseco, Universidade Estácio de Sá – Post Graduate, Project Friends Runners, among others. The idea is to embed a small change of habit on a daily basis, contributing to people's health and combating the sedentary lifestyle.

Maria Luiza Souza Dias, Manager of the Physical and Sportive Development of Sesc in São Paulo, tells us about the importance of No Elevators Day: "Sedentary lifestyle is one of the main risks to our health. Moments like these are important steps towards changing people’s routines!"

With Sesc's support we will also reach 1.5 million people via a Thunderclap message on social media on 25 April.

Do you want to know why climbing stairs makes a difference?

Well, in addition to strengthening leg muscles it also improves strength and endurance, develops balance and motor coordination and improves cardiovascular health, in addition to putting the body in motion.

According to the Diesporte 2015, 69.8% of Brazilians claimed to be sedentary due to lack of time in their daily life. What about you? Are you part of these numbers? If yes, start changing your routine gradually in minor stairs and reduced speed. The secret to make climbing stairs your new habit is to take the first step!

Now you know the benefits of going up the stairs, it’s time to confirm your presence on social media. Don’t forget to invite your friends to join in and share your photos and videos using the hashtags #NoElevatorsDay and, if you are in Brazil, #DiaSemElevador.

Find out more about No Elevators Day in Brazil and join the event here


By ISCA and Sesc São Paulo



Posted on 23/04/2018 by


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